‘Nuff Said Review #14: New Gods
New Gods by Jack Kirby Recommended for Middle School and Up Q: How do you destroy an enemy that is an apocalyptic vision of terrifying dimension??!! A: Make a GLORY BOAT!!!! 'NUFF SAID!
New Gods by Jack Kirby Recommended for Middle School and Up Q: How do you destroy an enemy that is an apocalyptic vision of terrifying dimension??!! A: Make a GLORY BOAT!!!! 'NUFF SAID!
Logicomix: An Epic Search for Truth by Apostolos Doxiadis and Christos H. Papadimitriou Recommended for High School and Up Math + History + Beautiful Euro-style Cartooning = Awesome 'NUFF SAID!
Vision Machine by Greg Pak and R. B. Silva Recommended for High School and Up Donate $20 to Japan, get a copy of this mind-blowing sci-fi epic from the writer himself! 'NUFF SAID!
Fox Bunny Funny by Andy Hartzell Recommended for High School and Up You'll spend hours trying to figure out what this beautifully-drawn, beautifully-told comic is all about. 'NUFF SAID!
Eagle by Kaiji Kawaguchi Recommended for High School and Up When the first Asian American President of the United States makes important political decisions, he does so against a background of speed lines! 'NUFF SAID!
Empire State by Jason Shiga Recommended for High School and Up This book has the most amazing secret epilogue that I have ever seen. 'NUFF SAID!
Hereville: How Mirka Got Her Sword by Barry Deutsch Recommended for Middle School and Up My seven-year-old son stole this from me and wouldn't give it back -- that's how awesome it is. 'NUFF SAID!
Zot! by Scott McCloud Recommended for High School and Up Zot! is the training ground of a comics master. 'NUFF SAID!
Elmer by Gerry Alanguilan Recommended for High School and Up Can you believe that Gerry Alanguilan actually made something even more awesome than this video clip?! 'NUFF SAID!
Short Program by Mitsuru Adachi Manga short stories at their finest. 'NUFF SAID!